Tuesday 23 April 2013

More passion, less pedagogy

More passion, less pedagogy: John Boyer at TEDxVirginiaTech

"More inspiration, less standardisation" John Boyer

The human factor can be perceived as becoming less prevalent in an online learning environment, and in some cases this is true. Is there a risk of losing this aspect that great teachers have to inspire, motivate and engage learners. How can this be duplicated in the online environment?

Retrieved 24 April, 2013 from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyT2yqtuqS4

Monday 15 April 2013

Great classroom tools


This website has a list of 50 online sites that offer a wide variety of tools that can be used by students and teachers. Here you can skim through the various sites and find some interactive tools that you can try, most have tutorial videos and some offer free access.

Here are just some of the interactive tools which are listed on the URL above


Share, edit, copy, paste - - - CrEaTiVeLy!

DreamYard: Digital Technologies and the Arts -- Creating 21st Century Opportunities for Bronx Youth Retrieved 16th April, 2013 from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8zw-axMtqI

The use of multi media to share and edit work between students, and teacher as well as using video footage to comment and make recordings is a nice way to give the students the opportunity to voice their opinions, and to work cooperatively and collaboratively.

Sunday 14 April 2013


Zdravstvujtye to the 30 views I got from Russia! (real or not)

I am blogging as part of a paper I am completing on e-learning and online technologies.

I welcome any feedback. Isaac.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Pedagogical DNA

A Pedagogical DNA

Technology can be the accelerant needed to push forward and onwards to reconstructing a new Pedgogical DNA.

Retrieved April 08, 2013 from

Monday 25 March 2013

My philosophy on the use of digital technologies


It is important as an educator to know one's philosophy, Kanuka (2008) states that the decision to use e-learning technology relates to our philosophical views on education and technology; and underlying these "views is our interpretation of the world and our actions within it" (p.93).

Furthermore, Kanuka (2008) states that the integration and use of e-learning technology can be "conducted more effectively if basic philosophical differences were understood" (p.93).

My philosophical orientation to education has been shaped by my belief system, values and educational experiences (both as a learner and educator). My secondary school education reflects the liberal/perennial orientation with an emphasis on the “facilitation of rigorous intellectual training that begins with knowledge of grammar and rhetoric; extends to the national sciences, history, and literature; and ends with a study of logic and philosophy” (Kanuka, 2008, p.102). Although, I enjoyed aspects of this orientation, such as learning about natural sciences and history, I must agree with what Kanuka (2008) states as a weakness of this orientation being its “elitist basis” and failure to address “vocational education and life-related subjects”.

For the past 8 years I have facilitated programmes which aim to improve people’s lives and to bring about better opportunities for them to improve their standards of living. On reflection of my experiences, my philosophy as an educator corresponds to the Progressive orientation, Kanuka (2008) declares that the aim here is “personal growth, maintenance, and promotion of a better society” (p.103). Furthermore, I agree with this orientation as I believe in “democratic cooperation” and “personal enlightenment” (p.103). This orientation according to Kanuka (2008) aligns most closely with uses determination; here the aspects of collaboration and cooperation are pivotal to an effective learning environment. In my experience in online learning, an important feature is the ability to interact with fellow students, and teacher.

Kanuka (2008) tell us that the primary aim of the Humanist orientation is to support “individual growth and self-actualisation” (p.106). This relates closely to the progressive orientation, and I would see the instructional methods being closely aligned with what I currently deliver, for example the use of mentors, and motivational guest speakers. I view myself as a facilitator rather than a teacher, so with this orientation there is an emphasis when using online learning that the role of the educator is one of a facilitator “The role of the teacher is that of facilitator, helper, and partner...he or she must create the conditions within which learning can take place” (p.107). Learning with technology in the Humanist orientation aligns most closely with uses determinism, and provides flexible and open access to the growing needs of individual students.

Lastly, recent postgraduate study on theoretical underpinnings in critical literacy has made me aware of the Radical orientation, and how this philosophical orientation is inherent in my belief system. In my profession I seek to invoke change, Kanuka (2008) states the overarching aim of the radical perspective is to invoke change in “political, economic, and social order in society via the intersection of education and political action” (p.108).


Kanuka, H. (2008). Understanding E-Learning Technologies-In-Practice. The theory and practice of online learning, 91.
In T. Anderson (Ed.), Theory and practice of online learning (pp. 91-118). Edmonton, Canada: AU Press

What constitutes effective e-learning practices in Education, and in partcular the Adult Education sector?

To answer the statement "What constitutes effective e-learning practices in Education, and in particular the Adult Education sector" lets look at a study conducted in Austria, which centred around student expectations and experiences in e-learning Paechter, Maier & Macher (2009) found that there were two aspects which contributed strongly to learning achievement and course satisfaction were student achievement goals and the Instructor. Furthermore,  Paechter et al. (2009) found that the the instructor takes up the role as a counsellor and facilitator in learning and importantly the "instructor does not become less important in e-learning" (p.7). Thus, the Instructor is very important according to learners in this study for enabling the acquisition of "knowledge, skills, and competencies and for course satisfaction" (p.7).

Retrieved April 24, 2013 from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6FvJ6jMGHU Daphne Koller, What we're learning from online education

Daphne Koller, (listed in the 2013 Times 100: The world's most influential people) here explains her vision and direction as a co-founder of Coursera, an online course centre which shares the 'best content from the best universities for free'. The methodology of the coursera delivery, coorelates with research on what constitutes effective e-learning practices. She explains that there are ample opportuities for  learners to engage in communities of practice, virtually online or learners can organise group face to face meetings. The courses also prompt learners to engage with the content, by presenting questions at intervals which contrast with the traditional lecture model at universities, which may be less interactive.


Paechter, M., et al. Students' expectations of, and experiences in e-learning: Their relation to learning achievements and course satisfaction. Computers & Education (2009), doi: 101.1016/j.compedu.2009.08.005

Pflichter, F. (2006). Weiterentwicklung Im blended learning-Bereich aus Sicht des bm:bwk. In ForumNeueMedien Austria (Ed.), (italics) Usability im learning & eLearning Strategien (pp. 112-115). St. Poelten: Verlag Forum Neue Median